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Illustration of buildings

Our Business Checking Accounts at a Glance.

We feel it shouldn't be challenging to pick the right checking account. After all, running your business is challenging enough. That's why we created an easy to follow graphic to help you can find a business checking account that feels custom to you. Take a look and know that all these come with the friendly service of our personal bankers.

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Portrait of Tom Manley

Dundee Bank Was Floored by Tom Manley, So We Returned the Favor

Tom Manley knows floors. They’re the base of everything you’ll build your room on. Where you’ll put a great rug, a unique table, a conversation piece. They hold your home and everything in it. And while floors are meant to be walked on, Tom Manley knows that he and his business deserve better.

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10 Job Opportunities for Teens

You’ve spent years teaching your children the value of a hard day’s work, of a dollar, and of independence. If your teenager is thinking about taking their first summer job this year, you’re about to watch all of those lessons come together in hard and rewarding ways for your child! As your teen takes their first steps toward financial freedom, they may be feeling a little lost about where to start. Dundee Bank has put together a few ideas for your family about teen-friendly jobs, what it takes to land them, and what to expect.

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Sunlight shining through a window with plants

Energy Efficient Home Improvements

While Nebraska is famous for its temperamental temperature, we like to take this neutral season to take action against it! Taking steps to make your home more energy efficient will ensure that not only will your home stay cooler during the upcoming brutal heat of summer, and warm no matter what next fall and winter bring, but you’ll be reducing your environmental impact.

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The owners of Four Corners Restoration

Rebuilding Lives From The Ground Up With The Help Of Dundee Bank

Mark Daly, Travis Unzicker, and their team at Four Corners Restoration know that a business is more than what happens inside four walls. It’s what your people bring to their community. Even more than the services you provide, it’s the human touch that determines the value you add to your customers’ lives.

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5 Tips For A Great Interview

It is impossible to create your dream life if you’re spending time at a job you hate. Finding work you love can be a fun adventure, but once you’ve found the job you have to nail the interview! Our Dundee Bank Human Resources Department knows a thing or two about finding, landing, and keeping a fulfilling job, and they’re here with a few tips to help you get through the interview process!

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Piggy Bank

Teach Children To Save

It’s Teach Your Children to Save day, and Dundee Bank is excited to have clients and customers who take savings as seriously as we do. This event comes around once a year to help make savings fun, accessible, and easy to understand for all of our youngest savers out there. You work hard to educate your children on the importance of developing excellent habits, from brushing their teeth to a healthy diet. Dundee Bank wants to help you make savings a fun habit your children understand and appreciate!

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10 Things To Do After Losing Your Wallet

Your face goes numb. Your mind races. Your hands begin to shake. This is the moment you realize you have lost your wallet. What was in it? You suddenly can’t even remember. Where was the last place you left it? Has someone already maxed out all of your cards and moved to Boca?

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ACH Services

How ACH Services Can Streamline Payroll

When you decided to run your own small business, it was to reclaim the freedom to do business on your terms. You knew that gaining those freedoms would come at a steep cost to you, and the price of doing business right lands pretty hard on your time.

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Grow your Savings Account

As Spring approaches, we all look forward to watching things begin to grow. The days stretch a little longer, children sprout right out of their winter wardrobe, and gardens finally begin to take root. At Dundee Bank, we think it’s a good time to see your savings account begin to blossom, as well. Don’t have a savings account just yet?

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